Elite Team Makes Noise at Kansas Relays
Chandra Andrews, Dylan Hartnett, and Lawson Montgomery competed at the Kansas Relays in what is expected to be the last meet held at KU’s Memorial Stadium. Chandra Andrews finished 5th in a stacked Hammer field! Dylan Hartnett finished 4th in the 400m, and Lawson Montgomery finished 2nd in the 110H. Click here for details >>>>> Kansas Relays Results.
Elite Team Shows Strong at the KT Woodman
Elite team members Chandra Andrews and Dylan Hartnett posted impressive victories in the Hammer and 400m respectively against tough competition from NCAA Division I schools and other post-collegiate athletes. Lawson Montgomery and Fernada Blakely finished their respective events – 110H and 200m – with strong 2nd place times. Aaron Young, Sam Garrison, and Darius Draudvila also competed. Click here for complete results >> REULTS
Looking Young; Staying Young
Does the “Fountain of Youth” really exist? Read the latest articles from Laura Markuly, MSE, ACSM/HFS, in our “Heart Beats and Good Eats” section!
Elite Team Members – Ready to “Put it down!”
Elite team member Lawson Montgomery will compete in the Invitational Men’s 110m Hurdles at the 2013, Clyde Littlefield, 86th Annual, Texas Relays. The race, pitting Lawson against 2012 Olympians, takes place about 2:45 p.m., on Saturday, March 30th. Click here for the meet schedule >> http://www.texassports.com/sports/tex-relays/spec-rel/relays-schedule.html
Chandra Andrews, Dylan Hartnett, and Fernada Blakely will all compete in the Emporia State ESU Open in in Emporia, Kansas.
Youth Team Informational Meeting
The Parents’ meeting for the 2013 Outdoor season has been scheduled for 6:30 p.m., on Wednesday, March 27th, at the Wichita State University, Cessna Stadium, Track and Field Team room.
The Team Room is located in the west stadium, northwest corner, near the bottom of the ramp. Parking is available in the small lot off 21st Street.
At the meeting STC Youth Team representatives will introduce key members of the leadership of STC, and provide/present –
– an overview of Shocker Track Club (STC)
– an overview of the STC Youth team
– the fees for the spring/summer – OUTDOOR – session
– the spring/summer practice schedule
– the proposed spring/summer meets
– the head coaches
– the answers to any questions.
See you then!
Bill Butterworth Master’s Track Meet TODAY!!!!
Looking for something to do today? Come check out the STC Bill Butterworth Master’s Indoor at WSU’s Heskett Center! Masters athletes from all over the region will be competing! After the completion of the Masters’ section, Youth athletes will also compete.
Get Healthy; Stay Healthy!
Check out Exercise Physiologist Laura Markuly’s latest articles on how to get fit, stay fit, and stay healthy! New articles are waiting for you on the Heart Beats and Good Eats page!
Youth Team Season Begins
The STC Youth Team begins the 2013 indoor season by traveling to the University of Arkansas for the Arkansas High School Invitational Indoor. Best of luck to our Youth athletes!!! Visit our Youth webpage to keep abreast of our young athletes.
Happy Holidays from STC!
STC wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 2013 promises to be an exciting year, and we look forward to providing updates for our Elite, Masters/Open, and Youth teams, the CREW volunteer team, and continuing our support of Wichita State Track and Field activities. Check out the many links on this site, and check back often for updates!